Re: [RE: Nimda versus ISP responsibility]

From: Greg Dotoli (gdotoliat_private)
Date: Thu Sep 27 2001 - 12:38:28 PDT

  • Next message: Neil Dickey: "Re: Nimda versus ISP responsibility"

    I am logging IIS and wrote a script to extract from the log the offending IPS
    and return their DNS names. The number of residential DSL and Cable hosts is
    close to 90 %. These worms are thriving in the non-protected home space. There
    are too many unsafe ISPs.
    "Adcock, Matt" <Matthew.Adcockat_private> wrote:
      I think we all agree that connecting an unpatched IIS machine to the
    open Internet is acting irresponsibly. Most AUP's already prohibit
    spamming, port scanning etc. (at least on paper). Why not include
    "infection through negligence" as a reason for suspension? Maybe with a
    reasonable grace period the first time. 
    I agree that the end administrator is ultimately responsible.  The ISPs
    could also help by filtering this traffic.  It would take an infrastructure
    upgrade that would end up costing the consumer, but I personally would be
    willing to pay a little more.  Maybe give users a choice between being on a
    filtered network or an open network?
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