ssh scans

From: Chad Mawson (CMAWSONat_private)
Date: Fri Sep 28 2001 - 13:42:52 PDT

  • Next message: Heather Adkins: "Re: ssh scans"

    I vaguely remember seeing something about this a month or so ago, but I
    don't remember any details.  I am getting attempts 1-2 times a day from
    different IP addresses on TCP port 22.
    nmap returns this:
    Port    State       Protocol  Service
    21      open        tcp       ftp
    22      open        tcp       ssh
    23      open        tcp       telnet
    80      filtered    tcp       http
    5001    open        tcp       commplex-link
    I can't get a telnet, or http response, but ssh and ftp do.  FTP - (not
    trying to log in, just getting the headers) shows:
    220 ArrowPoint (5.3.1) FTP server ready
    Name (
    331 Password required
    530 Login failed.
    Login failed.
    ftp> quit
    221 Thank you for visiting. May the remainder of your day be filled with
    I also can't find any good info on the port 5001, I'm assuming these
    systems have been compromised, but I'd like to make sure before I start
    trying to contact anyone.
    Chad Mawson
    Woods & Aitken LLP
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