RE: new trojan?

From: Rob Keown (Keownat_private)
Date: Wed Nov 21 2001 - 08:44:14 PST

  • Next message: Jose Nazario: "Re: SSH CRC32? What am I seeing?"

    Look like KaZaa is something from Greg Woods from back in the
    [ On Thursday, June 28, 2001 at 22:17:54 (+0300), Vangelis Haniotakis wrote:
    > Subject: Weird scan on port 1214
    >  Now, port 1214 is reserved for what is called  "Intelligent
    > Communications Protocol" on tcp and KAZAA on udp. I don't know what the
    > first one is, I do know that Kazaa is a file sharing thingy though.
    KAZAA is really just HTTP on a "private" port.  You can connect to it
    with any HTTP browser and get more or less meaningful results.
    >  The small packet count reminds one of a vulnerability scan. Has there
    > been any vulnerability known re: kazaa (the most probable target)?
    It's more likely they're just scanning for KAZAA servers.
    One of my clients received a copyright infringement notification from
    the Motion Picture Association Worldwide Anti-Piracy group the other day
    stating that such a client was running on a customer's machine and that
    it contained copyrighted materials.
    Whether your "scans" are from the likes of the MPA, or just from those
    trying to find files, or if there's a vulnerability in KAZAA and
    someone's trying to find targets, is anyone's guess at this point.
    What source address(es) did those connections appear to have come from?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Tom Fischer [mailto:tfischerat_private]
    Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2001 6:46 AM
    To: Incidents
    Subject: new trojan?
    Hash: SHA1
    Hi List,
    yesterday I mentioned activites on my Port 1214. Today the activites grown. 
    We're now about 50.000 requests for yesterday, and today at 20.000. They
    from different IP's. Searched on some Trojan List but found nothing. 
    - -- 
    Tom Fischer			ABH Marketingservice GmbH
    System Administrator		Weisshaustraße 23a
    Tel: 0221-94400446		50939 Köln
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