Possible Trojan/Virus: while.com.

From: Jay D. Dyson (jdysonat_private)
Date: Sun Nov 25 2001 - 22:21:58 PST

  • Next message: joshbat_private: "Re: Possible Trojan/Virus: while.com."

    Hi folks,
    	I received an unusual spam complaint from one of my users here. 
    What's unusual is that I'd not heard about this payload before.  While I
    haven't had time yet to give the payload more than a cursory look, my gut
    tells me the following is a trojan or worm either deliberately or
    unintentionally disseminated by an AOL user (using a forged bellsouth.net
    address).  Also of import is that the user who sent this beastie was using
    Microsoft Outlook (as if that isn't a big enough warning sign). 
    	The text accompanying this apparently malicious payload is thus:
    - -----BEGIN EXCERPT-----
    It can be disabled at your discretion, although the default 
    configuration is to allow updates. If you want to disable this feature, 
    follow the instructions in the online help documentation under the topic 
    "Turning Attune off and on".\f0\par
    You may not modify, reverse-engineer, decompile, create other works 
    from, or disassemble the software. Similarly, you may not copy, modify, 
    adapt or create other works based upon the Documentation.
    - ----- END EXCERPT -----
    	The payload is named "while.com" (did some searching on this term
    and came up with goose-eggs).  Vital statistics on the file are: 
    	Filesize	: 73,728 bytes
    	MD5 sum		: 0cd0a719f9f91630de366c54c427a834
    	Interesting bits: mshtml.dll (previously ID'd as security risk)
    			  TLOSS error
    			  SING error
    			  DOMAIN error
    	(The above three items strike me as math-intensive, possibly
    	indicating a cracking functionality of some type...or maybe I'm
    	whistling in the dark.  Like I said, this is a suspected trojan,
    	not confirmed.)
    	Anyway, with the creepy-crawlies typically associated with
    Microsoft-sired worms (use of MS Outlook, generic text, unsolicited
    payload, et cetera), I'm regarding this as a high-probability trojan/worm.
    	Anyone interested in vivisecting this beastie can find a copy of
    it here:
    	The file: http://www.treachery.net/~jdyson/trojans/while.com
    	MD5 sum : http://www.treachery.net/~jdyson/trojans/while.com.md5
    	Oh...and in case anyone's wondering, I've already sent off a
    letter to AOL to let them know about this.
    - -Jay
       (    (                                                        _______
       ))   ))   .-"There's always time for a good cup of coffee"-.   >====<--.
     C|~~|C|~~| (>----- Jay D. Dyson -- jdysonat_private -----<) |    = |-'
      `--' `--'  `---------- Si vis pacem, para bellum. ----------'  `------'
    Version: 2.6.2
    Comment: See http://www.treachery.net/~jdyson/ for current keys.
    -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
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    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Mon Nov 26 2001 - 08:24:29 PST