Re: any1 stumbled across eCkit ?

From: Patrick van Zweden (patrickat_private)
Date: Mon Nov 26 2001 - 14:18:58 PST

  • Next message: Brett Glass: "Re: W32.Badtrans.B@mm"

    At 16:40 26-11-2001 -0500, you wrote:
    >   Can you tell us more about what programs were altered and
    >what directories you found the rootkit in?
    They tried to alter ps, dir, top, slocate, lsof, ifconfig, netstat, md5sum,
    pstree, sylogd, in.fingerd, ls and installed a trojaned ssh. Most
    modifucations failed due the immutable bit which is set on most important
    binaries. Also xntps was installed which is a trojaned ssh deamon. The
    xntps read it's config file from /lib/ and listened on the port 48883.
    Also installed (but not used on my system) were libproc.a and
    version 2.0.6. I guess they are installed to hide some process.
    In /lib/ i found the patch script and a file called td. Strings
    revealed that it is some kind of testing program but i don't know for sure. 
    Well, that's it so far. I'm currently looking for more suspicious things.
    Luckily they installed programs which require glibc, which doesn't exists
    on the system. So searching for the string GLIBC reveals a lot.
    If you like i can send you the whole stuff i've found so far.
    Patrick van Zweden
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