Re: Voluminous SSHd scanning; possible worm activity ?

From: Philipp Stucke (
Date: Thu Dec 13 2001 - 09:59:11 PST

  • Next message: hvdkooijat_private: "Re: CodeRed-like FTP worm?"

    I couldnt download that specific file because I'm getting a 404 error, so I
    judge for sure, but Norton AntiVirus is really not scanning good when it
    to Unix files, and I think thats the same for McAcfee.
    Most of Linux stuff is  recognized as "linux fork bomb" "linux logical
    trojan" or
    "generic worm", which is not really true and/or missleading.
    Mostly, they judge linux exploits as some "malicious code" and so give you
    result you got.
    To sum it up, I wouldnt care if a windows specific scanner tries to judge
    exploits/tools/programs ;-)
    Maybe someone who has more knowledge on the detection routines of virus
    scanners can light this up.
    > mcaffee reports the x2 file as containing the bleh unix worm ??
    Regards, Philipp
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