Re: Microsoft's Early Xmas Present.

From: Devdas Bhagat (devdasat_private)
Date: Wed Jan 02 2002 - 07:16:53 PST

  • Next message: Steve Stearns: "Re: Microsoft's Early Xmas Present."

    On 29/12/01 22:04 -0700, Ryan Russell wrote:
    > normal people to keep up on patches is.  I'm starting to think more and
    > more that a 3-month expiration date on Windows is a good idea.  If you
    > haven't patched in 3 months, then your machine will refuse to do anything
    > but download patches...
    I second that idea. I don't think it will be implemented however, unless
    the installer allows for that. Then again, I don't like my machines
    updating themselves without my permission. (Yeah, I'm the geek that
    knows what I'm doing and keeps stuff patched on my servers. Thankfully
    I'm not the LAN admin, but I usually get to fix infected machines before
    the LAN admins can get to figure out that they are infected by a worm
    that yesterdays antivirus patch won't fix).
    Devdas Bhagat
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