Checking for rootkits

From: Jason Dixon (jwdixon1at_private)
Date: Fri Feb 22 2002 - 14:55:24 PST

  • Next message: Matt K.: "Re: Solaris hack"

    Thanks to an article on the O'Reilly network 
    (, I've 
    started using chkrootkit (, a utility that checks 
    for rootkits on your Linux/BSD/Solaris install.  It looks for certain 
    signatures in trojaned system binaries and compares them against known 
    rootkits.  It includes other tools that check for network promiscuity 
    (ifpromisc), lastlog deletions (chklastlog), wtmp deletions (chkwtmp), 
    wtmpx deltions (check_wtmpx - Solaris only), and checks for signs of LKM 
    trojans (chkproc).
    I've performed some extra steps which allow me to automate the running of 
    chkrootkit, while also authenticating the validity of the chkrootkit binary 
    itself.  I'm including the steps here, in case anyone else would like to 
    try this on their own systems.  Please note... this utility is great for 
    checking against *known* rootkits... it's not a substitution for common 
    security practices.  I would also suggest that anyone serious about 
    preventing rootkit modifications also ensure they install Tripwire on all 
    new installations.  However, in situations where a box does not already 
    have Tripwire installed, chkrootkit is a great tool to help gain back some 
    peace of mind.  This document covers Linux and *BSD installs only.
    Installation of chkrootkit is very simple.  Grab the tarball, uncompress, 
    and run 'make sense' (as root).  Copy the binaries to a standard system bin 
    (I used /usr/local/sbin).  Cd to the new location and run the chkrootkit by 
    hand to make sure everything looks good....
    tar zxf chkrootkit-0.35.tar.gz
    cd chkrootkit-0.35/
    make sense
    cp chkrootkit /usr/local/sbin/
    cp chkwtmp /usr/local/sbin/
    cp chklastlog /usr/local/sbin/
    cp chkproc /usr/local/sbin/
    cp ifpromisc /usr/local/sbin/
    The output will look something like this... (snipped for brevity's sake)
    ROOTDIR is `/'
    Checking `amd'... not infected
    Checking `basename'... not infected
    Checking `biff'... not infected
    Checking `chfn'... not infected
    Checking `chsh'... not infected
    Checking `cron'... not infected
    Checking `date'... not infected
    Checking `sniffer'...
    dc0 is not promisc
    sl0 is not promisc
    ppp0 is not promisc
    bridge1 is not promisc
    gif0 is not promisc
    Checking `wted'... nothing deleted
    Checking `z2'... nothing deleted
    Ok, now for the extra layer of security.  To ensure that no one tampers 
    with my chkrootkit binaries, I've created a new file (/etc/chkrootkit.md5) 
    containing the md5sum for each binary.  Next, we want to modify the md5 
    file so nobody can tamper with it.  We want to turn on the *immutable* bit 
    for this file.  Making a file immutable means that no one can modify the 
    delete the file.  In linux, we want to use the 'chattr +i' command... in 
    *BSD, the same command is 'chflags schg'.  To view special attributes, you 
    must use 'lsattr' in Linux and 'ls -lo' in *BSD.  Note that in Linux, the 
    immutable flag can be removed by the superuser at any time with 'chattr 
    -i'.  In *BSD systems, you can only remove the "system immutable" (schg) 
    flag in securelevel 0 or -1 (single-user mode is an example of securelevel 0).
    md5sum chkrootkit >> /etc/chkrootkit.md5
    [run the same command for each binary;  command is 'md5' in *BSD]
    chattr +i /etc/chkrootkit.md5   [Linux]
    chflags schg /etc/chkrootkit.md5   [*BSD]
    To automate these utilities, I've setup a cron job to execute a perl script 
    I've created which first authenticates our stored md5 digests against the 
    current md5 values.  It uses the Digest::MD5 perl module to run the 
    digests.  Installing the perl module is very simple... grab the tarball, 
    uncompress to a directory, run (as root) 'perl', 'make', 'make 
    test' and 'make install'.
    tar zxf Digest-MD5-2.16.tar.gz
    cd Digest-MD5-2.16/
    make test
    make install
    Here is the script... I make no guarantees... YMMV.  Note the variables 
    that should be changed specific to your usage... $md5_sav_file (location of 
    your trusted md5 file), $runpath (location of your chkrootkit binary), and 
    $admin_mail (your email address... make sure to escape the '@' with a 
    backslash or perl won't interpret it correctly).  The script will first 
    compare the known and trusted md5 sums found in our immutable file to the 
    current md5 sums of the binaries.  If there are any discrepancies, it will 
    report them.  Next, it will cd to the system bin (as defined by $runpath) 
    and run the chkrootkit binary.  It needs to cd to the directory, as 
    chkrootkit will attempt to run the other utilities within it's current 
    #!/usr/bin/perl -w
    use strict;
    no strict 'subs';
    use Digest::MD5(md5_hex);
    my $md5_new;
    my $md5_sav;
    my $md5_sav_file = "/etc/chkrootkit.md5";
    my $file;
    my $file_and_path;
    my $path = "/usr/local/sbin";
    my @files = qw( ifpromisc chkproc chkrootkit chklastlog chkwtmp );
    my @input;
    my $admin_mail = "admin\";
    open(MAIL, "|/usr/bin/mail $admin_mail");
    print MAIL "Running authentication tests on chkrootkit binaries...\n\n";
    while (<@files>) {
             $file = $_;
             $file_and_path = "$path/$file";
             open(MD5,"$file_and_path") || die "Can't open file for reading: $!";
             $md5_new = Digest::MD5->new->addfile(MD5)->hexdigest;
             open(TST,"$md5_sav_file",) || die "Can't open file for reading: $!";
             while (<TST>) {
                     if (/$file/) {
                             @input = split(/ /,$_);
                             $md5_sav = pop(@input);
                             unless ($md5_new eq $md5_sav) {
                                     print MAIL "\t\t\t*** WARNING ***\n";
                                     print MAIL "The binary file for " . $path 
    . "/" . $file . " has been altered.\n";
                                     print MAIL "The original md5 sum for $file 
                                     print MAIL "\t\t$md5_sav\n\n";
                                     print MAIL "and the new md5 sum is\n\n";
                                     print MAIL "\t\t$md5_new\n\n";
                                     print MAIL "Please investigate ASAP\n";
                                     print MAIL "\t\t\t*********************\n";
                             } else {
                                     print MAIL "\[$file\]\n";
                                     print MAIL "Current: $md5_new\n";
                                     print MAIL "Trusted: $md5_sav\n\n";
    I hope that others find this as useful as I have.  I've implemented this on 
    my OpenBSD firewall, and plan on installing it on my Linux workstation 
    ASAP.  Keep in mind that there are many other facets of system security 
    that should still be scrutinized, but this is a nice tool to help out 
    nonetheless.  If anyone has any questions, comments or suggestions 
    regarding my usage of this program, or the functionality of the script, 
    please let me know.
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