RE: DoS, possibly spoofed IP Addresses

From: Snow, Corey (CSNOWat_private)
Date: Wed Apr 03 2002 - 10:39:34 PST

  • Next message: mahmut korkmaz: "RE: DoS, possibly spoofed IP Addresses"

    Steve Gibson's position on a number of issues, most notably the XP/raw
    sockets issue, is not one that is shared by a majority (vast majority) of
    security professionals.
    Steve Gibson's research on the use of raw sockets is, to say the least,
    flawed (IMO). Also, Mr. Gibson engages in no small amount of FUD in his
    site, which is less informative than it is inflammatory, again IMO.
    I would *highly* recommend a search of the archives of this list, Bugtraq,
    and the security-basics list for more information on Steve Gibson and before you take anything he says on his website at as
    being useful and/or valuable.
    I am not attacking Steve Gibson personally here; in my opinion he's probably
    a nice guy. But his actions have done more to harm information security than
    improve it. As the site says, Mr. Gibson is not a scam(er), but
    his motivations are worth questioning, as are his methods.
    Also, see some of these URLs for counters to Steve Gibson's statements on a
    number of issues:
    I don't speak for my employer.
    Corey Snow
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Jupp, Peter [mailto:JuppPat_private]
    > Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 6:56 AM
    > To: 'mahmut korkmaz'; incidentsat_private
    > Subject: RE: DoS, possibly spoofed IP Addresses
    > Hi Murat,
    > The best reading I've done about DoS attacks was courtesy of 
    > Steve Gibson, look here , of 
    > particular interest elsewhere on Mr Gibson's site is the 
    > information about Windows XP raw sockets, which deliver IP 
    > spoofing capability to the masses. 
    > Good Luck, 
    > Peter.
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