RE: I think I've been hacked...please help!

From: KoRe MeLtDoWn (koremeltdownat_private)
Date: Mon Apr 08 2002 - 19:01:12 PDT

  • Next message: H C: "RE: I think I've been hacked...please help!"

    I would suggest this is a custom made trojan that is connecting to an irc 
    server when a RAS connection is detected.
    Try using MSConfig to see if anything unusual is working, also try 
    installing zone alarm for a check at what is accessing the network from that 
    machine - available from
    If someone is using a trojan it will be picked up using zone alarm even if 
    it is custome made.
    Hope my info helps...
    Peter Francis
    -= KoRe WoRkS =- Internet Security
    Is your box REALLY secure?
    >From: "Arnold, Jamie" <harnoldat_private>
    >To: "'incidentsat_private'" <incidentsat_private>
    >Subject: RE: I think I've been hacked...please help!
    >Date: Mon, 8 Apr 2002 16:06:34 -0400
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    >I have several machines that are using excessive bandwidth.  Upon
    >inspection, I find multiple connections to servers with names like
    >, etc... On 6667.  Incoming connections are random although
    >1067 seems to be a common one.  I have 4 instances of cmd.exe running and 2
    >of win.exe  While it looks like Egghead, the reg entries aren't there nor
    >the directories/files.  These machines all had an account ID of Microsoft
    >with admin privs on them.  They don't connect to a domain and were setup by
    >the department "tech" person who left them wide open.  What is confusing to
    >me is that one of them uses our Exchange server which is protected by
    >Antigen (and I pull nearly every extension known to man) and McAffee on the
    >desktop.  I can't find anything that matches this. Anyone have any insight?
    >This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
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    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
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