RE: I think I've been hacked...please help!

From: H C (keydet89at_private)
Date: Tue Apr 09 2002 - 11:04:59 PDT

  • Next message: Information Security: "RE: Probes to previously accessed FTPs and UNCs in XP"

    > I would suggest this is a custom made trojan that is
    > connecting to an irc 
    > server when a RAS connection is detected.
    What are you basing this on?  The information provided
    so far by the OP has been vague and sketchy at
    best...hardly what one would call even moderately
    effective incident response.
    > Try using MSConfig to see if anything unusual is
    > working, also try 
    > installing zone alarm for a check at what is
    > accessing the network from that 
    > machine - available from
    > If someone is using a trojan it will be picked up
    > using zone alarm even if 
    > it is custome made.
    > Hope my info helps...
    There are other, perhaps even more effective methods
    for gathering the same information.  For example,
    running fport (and piping the output through netcat)
    doesn't require a full software installation
    (ZoneAlarm does)...which will contaminate any
    potential evidence.  There are other tools...which
    I've listed and sent to the OP...that can be run
    BTW, I checked out your graphics.  Aside
    from rampant misspellings, it's not half bad.
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