compromised cisco

From: Thomas Springer (tuevat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 25 2002 - 04:08:46 PDT

  • Next message: jlewisat_private: "Re: compromised cisco"

    Obviously, one of our external cisco-devices with default-password set was
    	telnet cisco.customer.xx
    	Trying a.b.c.d...
    	Connected to a.b.c.d.
    	Escape character is '^]'.
    	Please don't use default passwords
    	User Access Verification
    Anybody knows a script/scanner doing this stuff?
    I know tools like CScan, but none of them changes password and logon-message.
    And anybody has a clue about the password?? (it was, yeah, 'cisco' - but
    the hacker changed it...)
    Thomas Springer
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