RE: Strange hidden messages in email

From: brettat_private
Date: Fri Apr 26 2002 - 10:37:46 PDT

  • Next message: Matt Beland: "Re: Strange hidden messages in email"

    > Usually they are a very generic advertisement but if you view the
    > source of the message they have hidden messages in them.
    > The first one had "Mary had a little lamb" hidden all throughout the
    > message, but others have different messages hidden in the source.
    This looks like a technique to confound a couple of strategies for identifying
    Suppose you are searching a message body for certain keywords ("mortgage")
    to determine if it is spam. Breaking up those keywords with HTML comments
    will defeat a string match, while still displaying the keyword to the email's
    recipient (assuming they use an email client that displays HTML).
    Now, suppose you check a message against digests or signatures calculated
    from previously seen spam (e.g. using Vipul's Razor). The spammer can write
    a single email, then modify each sent copy with randomized/different comment
    strings (this also applies to emails with random alphanumeric strings appended
    to an otherwise normal subject line). The email's various recipient's will
    each see the same message -- but they will calculate completely different
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