"Steve Zenone" <Zenoneat_private> wrote: > Have any of you seen similar activity? Any thoughts? Yes, we had one that matches most of your details. These are exact matches: > [] Damage occurred around 1600 on 5/1/2002 BUT=> (approx. 16:00 EDT for us) > [] Win-popup message with "F---ing University of Rochester" > -- NOTE: not all systems running IIS > [] Admins claimed that all systems were patched correctly > [] Most were running updated and current AV I don't know about file/directory deletions - machine wouldn't boot, so they hadn't looked at the filesystem yet. A quick rebuild was planned, so unlikely that drive may be examined. Additional: NT4 SP6 (maybe not 6a; unknown security rollup hotfix); not running IIS; part of a domain but not a domain server; running SQL Server (version not available right now); a share given access only to an access control list of specific, domain-authenticated users *and* authentication to SQL Server (reportedly); passwords claimed to be strong; same password used on PDC and this machine. Also noted by admin, unknown if related or if I understood correctly: Reports of "this IP is being used by another machine"-type messages for the machine in question. (Same day? Previous day? Previous week?); problems with "path unknown" and "unable to find domain" sorts of errors for previous two weeks; passwords not working and then working; currently unconfirmed report of an IRC-controlled "bot" on same subnet. > I have received three reports thus far of Windows systems > that have been damaged. At this point there have been > nine systems on various subnets. [snip] En paz, Steve, security analyst -- Stephen W. Thompson, UPenn, ISC Information Security, 215-898-1236, WWW has PGP thompsonat_private URL=http://pobox.upenn.edu/~thompson/index.html For security matters, use securityat_private, read by InfoSec staff The only safe choice: Write e-mail as if it's public. Cuz it could be. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. For more information on this free incident handling, management and tracking system please see: http://aris.securityfocus.com
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