Re: Got 'em. (was "Re:")

From: Chip McClure (vhm3at_private)
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 15:53:39 PDT

  • Next message: Hugo van der Kooij: "Re: Got 'em. (was "Re:")"

    Hash: SHA1
    I found him as well. :)
    Going through my web server logs the past few days, that IP (numeric) was
    also listed in there, same useragent string. You can find out what he's up
    On each connection to my site, all he got was a non-existant robots.txt &
    the index page. Each visit, nothing different. When I checked his "pending
    urls" - they were all a bunch of yahoo ip's.
    - -----
    Chip McClure
    Sr. Unix Administrator
    GigGuardian, Inc.
    - -----
    On Mon, 13 May 2002, Jay D. Dyson wrote:
    > On Mon, 13 May 2002, Chip McClure wrote:
    > > I don't have any luck finding out any info on either. :(
    > > I've got a few of the hits in my webserver logs, the same as you. My
    > > guess, someone's spoofing the reverse dns on it. Kinda sounds like
    > > someone is doing some very hard spidering on your site.
    > 	My experiment paid off.  I figured the spider would goof at some
    > point and cough up the IP address and I was happy to find this was true.
    > 	Here's what I have on this spider.  First, I did a search through
    > my Apache logs looking for all instances of '' in hopes
    > that there was a 404 (not found) happening somewhere in its spidering.
    > Sure enough, I found this:
    > - - [10/May/2002:13:16:24 -0700] "GET /robots.txt HTTP/1.0" 404 4472 "-" "WinampMPEG/2.00 (larbinat_private)"
    > 	Keep in mind that though one's Apache configuration may be set to
    > resolve IP addresses to domain names, Apache nonetheless logs only the IP
    > address in its error logs.  Thus, I correlated the above 404 with my
    > 9-11justice_org-error.log and found the following:
    > [Fri May 10 13:16:23 2002] [error] [client] File does not exist: /hosts/virtual/
    > 	From there, it was all over but the shouting...
    > $ nslookup
    > Server:  localhost
    > Address:
    > Name:
    > Address:
    > 	And there we have the culprit.  Who wants to throw the clue mallet
    > at 'em?  ;)
    > -Jay
    >   (    (                                                          _______
    >   ))   ))   .--"There's always time for a good cup of coffee"--.   >====<--.
    > C|~~|C|~~| (>------ Jay D. Dyson -- jdysonat_private ------<) |    = |-'
    >  `--' `--'  `-- They know the rules.  We know the loopholes. --'  `------'
    > ------------ Output from pgp ------------
    > Pretty Good Privacy(tm) Version 6.5.8
    > Internal development version only - not for general release.
    > (c) 1999 Network Associates Inc.
    > Export of this software may be restricted by the U.S. government.
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    Comment: Made with pgp4pine 1.76
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