RE: exploited win2k box, not quite sure how:

From: McCammon, Keith (Keith.McCammonat_private)
Date: Mon May 20 2002 - 11:39:24 PDT

  • Next message: Ron Yount: "RE: exploited win2k box, not quite sure how:"

    Well, I'm going to be the first (and surely not the last) to tell you that this is not "a weird one."  We can't offer much advice, as you haven't provided any logs, but you obviously have (or had) a spotty IIS install, as you've likely been hit by CodeRed, Nimda, or the like.  As far as the tagged directories are concerned, that's likely due to a mis-configured FTP server (also under the blanket of IIS).
    You can find information on fixing and patching both of these problems on
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John Jasen [mailto:jjasen1at_private]
    Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 9:05 PM
    To: incidentsat_private
    Subject: exploited win2k box, not quite sure how:
    Got a wierd one here.
    Win2k server, SP2
    IIS 5.0
    SQL server 7
    ipswitch imail 6.x
    Its definitely been broken into. PC-cillian bas picked up a few nimda
    files, and there is a directory c:\tAGGEd with various subdirectories
    under it, and an unopenable file C:\TaGGed By Ca$e.
    I'm working on getting a disk image up for perusal, but that might take a
    few days.
    Anybody seen this yet? Searching securityfocus, McAfee, Google, and a few
    other places has come up dry.
    -- John E. Jasen (jjasen1at_private)
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