Re: Compromised Win2000 machine.

From: Daniel Hay (dhayat_private)
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 11:05:55 PDT

  • Next message: H C: "Re: Compromised Win2000 machine."

    >Danny took the typical action seen of most
    >admins...port scanning the system from the outside,
    >and comparing the open ports to lists of known trojans
    >and services.  This is inconclusive at best, and leads
    >to a lot of speculation and time-wasting.  Better to
    >run fport on the system (if NT/2K...if the system is
    >XP, run netstat w/ the '-o' switch) instead, to see
    >the process to port mapping.
    I took the only action i could given i don't have physical access to the 
    and still have not been able to contact the owner, we are currently just 
    watching traffic to and from the box
    to see if we can see anything that may constitute a patter that could be 
    used to find other hosts on campus that have already or may be in the 
    future  owned
    by similar tools
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