Re: Compromised Win2000 machine.

From: H C (keydet89at_private)
Date: Wed May 29 2002 - 13:37:47 PDT

  • Next message: Brett Glass: "Re: odd scans?"

    Since fport.exe isn't native to any MS system, you'd
    have to get it from the 'net someplace.  The thing to
    do (and I do this in the IR course I teach) would be
    to burn your tools to a CD.  If you can't do that,
    then you can put them on a diskette and write-protect
    --- Mark Newby <markat_private> wrote:
    > H C wrote:
    >  > [...]
    > > Danny took the typical action seen of most
    > > admins...port scanning the system from the
    > outside,
    > > and comparing the open ports to lists of known
    > trojans
    > > and services.  This is inconclusive at best, and
    > leads
    > > to a lot of speculation and time-wasting.  Better
    > to
    > > run fport on the system (if NT/2K...if the system
    > is
    > > XP, run netstat w/ the '-o' switch) instead, to
    > see
    > > the process to port mapping.
    > > [...]
    > ...but I thought the advice for a (possibly)
    > compromised box was *not* 
    > to run executable programs that resided on that
    > host, as they can't be 
    > trusted?
    > mark
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