Re: backdoor

From: Jonas M Luster (
Date: Mon Jun 24 2002 - 12:45:39 PDT

  • Next message: Patrick Oonk: "Re: ZOMBIES_HTTP_GET"

    Quoting Don Weber (Donat_private):
    > a compromised machine, CAN and is usually designed to compromise or be used
    > to compromised other machines. leaving YOUR machine active and on the
    > internet, is allowing your system to attempt to compromise MY system, you
    > call that over-reacting professional, i call it being considerate. A house
    To simply destroy all evidence is not considerate. It is a great
    dis-service to all those machines that have been compromised through
    the compromised system. Such a machine usually carries enough
    information to determine the machines that have been attacked from the
    system and reveals an awful lot about the intruder.
    That is why I stress the need to prohibit malicious activities on
    router or switch level as soon as the incident is discovered, that is
    doing the right things in access-lists and blocks to make sure the
    system will still function but can not be used against third parties
    > being broken into is, broken into, then burglar leaves, and goes elsewhere
    > the next night. unless of course your house gets broken into and the burglar
    > use your house as a staging ground to break into other houses in the area,
    > then, maybe, the analogy might work, in that case, YES, level the house,
    > build a new one, and dont forget to upgrade that alarm system
    In my analogy the house is used to snipe the neighbors dogs from the
    rooftop. To simply level that house means not to determine how he got
    in in the first place and therefore to risk to have the same hole
    again. And just like burglars our attackers are persistant. If you
    simply rebuild the system, they will come again. Since you did not
    determine how they got in, chances are they will again. And you could
    not inform your neighbors about that weak lock, either, so they might
    also use their houses.
    I hate analogies, I should not have started one in the first place. I
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