Surge of attacks on ports 61127 & 61134

From: Joseph (josephat_private)
Date: Thu Jul 25 2002 - 11:55:33 PDT

  • Next message: Sebastian: "Re: Bind 9.2.X exploit???"

    This morning my logs showed me a surge of new UDP packets attacks, mainly 
    to ports 61127 & 61134 . I can't find any info on this, so I'm wondering 
    what it can be.
    It seems very well known, if I can say, because source IPs are from 
    everywhere, I must have gotten a good 50-80 probes. 
    I see alot different *  orgin sources, which 
    * seems to make the top 10 attack list at dshield and 
    incidents' website.
    Curious, new virus? or attack tool? 
    I don't have a log of the packet, justs its denial attempt. Normally, all 
    my attacks are standard stuff, this pops out like really new...
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