"Worm riders" on 4156?

From: Anton Chuvakin, Ph.D., GCIA (antonat_private)
Date: Mon Sep 23 2002 - 15:55:09 PDT

  • Next message: Paul Wouters: "Re: Analysis of Modap worm"

    Hello all,
    Just a fun incident here.
    This page http://isc.incidents.org/aion.html)  describes the modified
    slapper worm running port 4156 UDP instead of 2002.
    Our honeypot (RH Linux 7.x) was hit with this thing. I figured that by now
    ukr.net have taken care of the email address and nobody will get an email
    from the worm.
    I was in for a big surprise. A bit less than a half day after the worm
    left its deadly trace on the box, it started downloading tools and talking
    IRC (as usual, in good ole Romanian)...
    I have not noticed any prior scans for port 1052.
    So it appears that folks are using those newly built worm networks. I
    suspect that people look for worm scans on their own boxes and then take
    over the machines that scan. I just started looking thru the logs and I
    begin to see IRC channels where those "worm" hang out...
      Anton A. Chuvakin, Ph.D., GCIA
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