Source IP distribution for UDP:137 probes received, 09/28/02-10/01/02. Fully 80.5% are from 2xx.x.x.x or 6x.x.x.x Given: wc -l 09_28-10_01:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 526 09_28-10_01:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt So 526 unique source IP addresses; I'm at 12.82.13x.x or 12.82.12x.x as a dialup into AT&T's Seattle WA POP... 290 or 55% from 2xx.x.x.x: grep -c '] 2..\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 290 grep -c '] 211\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 57 grep -c '] 200\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 51 grep -c '] 218\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 30 grep -c '] 210\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 25 grep -c '] 203\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 24 grep -c '] 202\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 16 grep -c '] 213\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 16 grep -c '] 216\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 14 grep -c '] 212\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 13 grep -c '] 217\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 13 134 or 25.5% from 6x.x.x.x: grep -c '] 6.\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 134 grep -c '] 61\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 61 grep -c '] 62\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 22 grep -c '] 64\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 12 grep -c '] 66\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 12 grep -c '] 65\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 11 24 or 4.5% from 12.x.x.x: grep -c '] 12\.' 09_28-10_10\:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 24 19 or 3.6% from 8x.x.x.x: grep -c '] 8.\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 19 18 or 3.4% from 2x.x.x.x: grep -c '] 2.\.' 09_28-10_10:UDP:137_IP_distribution.txt 18 - John -- "It's a troll! Run!^H^H^H^H Laugh!" PGP key: Fingerprint: C493 9F26 05A9 6497 9800 4EF6 5FC8 F23D 35A4 F705 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. For more information on this free incident handling, management and tracking system please see:
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