Interesting Logs to port 8941

From: Ryan Yagatich (ryanyat_private)
Date: Wed Oct 09 2002 - 05:33:19 PDT

  • Next message: Boutros: "Re: Forensics CD"

    	Today I've noticed some interesting activity on my dialup 
    connection, particularly that to port 8941 via TCP. Here is such example 
    	<TIME> Oct  7 10:57:45 </TIME>
    	<IN> ppp0 </IN>
    	<OUT> </OUT>
    	<MAC> </MAC>
    	<SRC> </SRC>
    	<DST> </DST>
    	<LEN> 48 </LEN>
    	<TOS> 0x00 </TOS>
    	<PREC> 0x00 </PREC>
    	<TTL> 108 </TTL>
    	<ID> 39816 </ID>
    	<SPT> 3446 </SPT>
    	<DPT> 8941 </DPT>
    	<WINDOW> 16384 </WINDOW>
    	<RES> 0x00 </RES>
    	<URGP> 0 </URGP>
    Here's what I've found out:
    	1) There are 3 packets being sent (SYN + DF)
    	2) The intervals are always the same:
    		3 seconds between packets 1-2
    		6 seconds between packets 2-3
    	3) All have length of 48 (since just the SYN)
    I really have no information about it other than what is listed above and 
    that the timeframe is as follows:
    	Start: 10.07.2002 @ 10:57:45 EST
    	End:   10.07.2002 @ 17:55:56 EST
    There are 210 access attempts with 68 unique hosts 
    	these 3 hosts only had 1 packet sent a piece:
    the logs that were taken from such traffic can be found at the following 
    they are the following:
    	rejected.log (42447 bytes)
    		-> all of the records of the attempted connections
    	tcpdump.out (216 bytes)
    		-> 3 packets from a particular connection that i was 
    		   able to trap		
    If anyone has either seen any of this before, or has a clue of what it is, 
    please let me know, especially since i don't have much to go by (haven't 
    setup netcat to listen on that port yet). All times are EST.
    Ryan Yagatich  <supportat_private>
            Pantek, Incorporated
     (877) LINUX-FIX - (440) 519-1802
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    8C 9F 8A 28 BE 0A A3 93 95 70 EF 12
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