Before one of my servers received the popup, BlackICE alerted me to the following on my personal (non-server) machine: Intruder information: IP: Name: WEBPOPUP06 DNS: WEBPOPUP06 Node: WEBPOPUP06 Workgroup: WORKGROUP NetBIOS: WEBPOPUP06 MAC: 005056630372 Hack attempts by this intruder: Date & Time: 2002-10-14 16:00:34 (-5:00 GMT) Time Zone: Central Daylight Time MSRPC UDP port probe (port=135) Victim IP: Attempts: 2 Date & Time: 2002-10-15 02:41:15 (-5:00 GMT) Time Zone: Central Daylight Time MSRPC UDP port probe (port=135) Victim IP: Attempts: 2 4 intrusions detected from this intruder. BlackICE Defender personal firewall log entries: Severity,Timestamp,IssueID,IssueName,IntruderIP,IntruderName,VictimIP,Vi ctimName,Parameters,Count,ResponseLevel,IntruderPort,VictimPort,PacketFl ags 1,2002-10-14 16:00:34,2003405,MSRPC UDP port probe,,WEBPOPUP06,,,port=135&reason=Firewall ed,2,,1803,135,00006911 1,2002-10-15 02:41:15,2003405,MSRPC UDP port probe,,WEBPOPUP06,,,port=135&reason=Firewall ed,2,,1302,135,00006911 (This report was generated by VisualICE Report Utility 4.7) The computer at (annoyingly named "WEBPOPUP06") is the culprit in our case. The ISP has been notified. These spammers are freakin' annoying! Brenna AIM - absolutxpsycho Yahoo! - absolut_contagion ICQ - 1363187 MSN - r00tat_private -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.12 GSS d-- s: a-- C++ UL++++ P+ L+ E W++ N+ o-- K- w+ O-- M V-- PS++ PE Y+ PGP- t-- 5-- X++ R- tv+ b+++ DI D+ G e* h- r++ x+ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ -----Original Message----- From: Lawrence Baldwin [mailto:pckboyat_private] Sent: Sunday, October 13, 2002 12:27 PM To: incidentsat_private Subject: Source of Windows PopUp SPAM I've believe I have figured out the hosts that were used to send the recent rash of PopUP SPAM: Lawrence Baldwin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. For more information on this free incident handling, management and tracking system please see: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. For more information on this free incident handling, management and tracking system please see:
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