DoS and Windows Login

From: Nicholas C. Weaver (nweaverat_private)
Date: Thu Oct 17 2002 - 14:16:34 PDT

  • Next message: Johnny Calhoun: "Re: HTTP attack looking for /sumthin ?"

    UC Berkeley runs a fairly open network (*GASP*, no firewall).
    Lately, many users have been experiencing a minor but annoying DOS
    attack: The windows system's authentication procedures, after X failed
    password tries, locks out the account for 30 minutes.  Someone or some
    group is doing large scale password guessing which is resulting in
    many users being unable to log in in the morning, until this timeout
    Question:  Have those in other universities or other generally open
    computing environments noticed a similar trend?  Is this the work of
    an attacker trying to brute-force passwords or a deliberate DOS
    Nicholas C. Weaver                                 nweaverat_private
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