Re: Rooted, .haos on system

From: Damian Gerow (damianat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 16 2002 - 09:38:33 PST

  • Next message: Byrne Ghavalas: "Re: Logs: Many hits with source port of 80"

    On Thu, 2002-12-12 at 18:50, Damian Gerow wrote:
    > I've just received word that one of our customers was rooted, and he's asking about the file ".haos".  Nothing rings any bells, has anyone heard of it?
    Just a quick update to this...
    It looks like it was an IRC bot.  I found these interesting tidbits
    throughout the various source trees left on the system (definitely a
    script kiddie hack):
    "   /.../    /m/src/Makefile":
    	#   Starglider Class EnergyMech, IRC bot software
    	#   Copyright (c) 1997-2000  proton
    	#   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    	#   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    	#   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    	#   (at your option) any later version.
    "   /.../    /m/emech.users":
    	handle          Silviu
    	mask            *!*
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    	handle          Malice
    	mask            *!*
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    	handle          Mihai
    	mask            *!*
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    	handle          Doggy
    	mask            *!*
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    	handle          mortu
    	mask            *!*
    	prot            4
    	channel         #DhT
    	access          100
    	handle          dxd
    	mask            *!*dxd@*.*
    	pass            nI-duWuaJw
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    	handle          kappy
    	mask            *!*kappy@*.*
    	pass            0jgmlVQspb
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    	handle          essence
    	mask            *!*essence@*.*
    	pass            wHC0Pmbfux
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    	handle          karamel
    	mask            *!*KarameL@*.*
    	pass            kdiF0eQFYv
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    	handle          DJcontact
    	mask            *!*anathema@*.*
    	pass            uSfKIJhaCS
    	prot            4
    	channel         *
    	access          100
    Other notes:
    - a number of 'sendmail.c', '', 'efstool.c', etc. files
    kicking around
    - a couple of binaries called 'httpd'
    - an empty file called
    - a couple of other system binaries (i.e. bash)
    I still have the original 'haos' and 'haos2' tarballs, if anyone is
    interested in looking at them.  They both contain libpcap, and look to
    be some sort of an automated SSH exploiter, given by the contents of the
    files "targets" and 'targets.txt":
    Big - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.2,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    Small -  SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.3,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    Small - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.3,0x0806d000,0x080725ec,0x0000c804,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    Big - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-1.2.3,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    Small - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-2.1,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    Big - SSH-1.5-OpenSSH-2.1,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    Small - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH_2.1.1,0x08210000,0x083f99b4,0x00000004,0x0000664c,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x96,0x0805,0
    Small - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH-2.1.1,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    Big - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH-2.1.1,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    Small - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH-2.2.0,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,0
    Big - SSH-1.99-OpenSSH-2.2.0,0x08070000,0x08184000,0x00000004,0x00010004,0x00000000,0x08400000,0x7a,0x0805,1
    If anyone wants more info, I'm willing to pass it on.  But I'm going to
    guess they got in via OpenSSH, given the nature of the scanners and the
    version of the daemon running on the box.  I'm not sure where the group
    came from, but here's a quick quote from one of the shell scripts
    ("haosx"), and I'll leave you all at that:
       echo "$rver haosx for Linuxz"
       echo ""
       echo "$rver Asteapta cateva secunde sa ma linistesc.."
       echo "Ia o pauza de o laba pana scanam ceva."
       echo ""
       echo "Thanks 2 friends : in #haos channel."
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