Virus? Trojan?

From: David Gillett (gillettdavidat_private)
Date: Mon Dec 30 2002 - 14:03:18 PST

  • Next message: Syzop: "Re: RPAT - Realtime Proxy Abuse Triangulation"

      So far today, I've received two email messages from []
    which, apparently, claimed in its HELO message to *be*
    our local MX (which of course was who it was talking TO).
    Sounds to me like a bug in the sending software.
      The other thing these messages had in common was a 
    33KB .scr ("screen saver") executable attachment.
    Norton doesn't recognize this as a known threat, but
    I don't want to be the first to learn the hard way what
    it does.
      MAYBE this is just ill-conceived and poorly-written 
    spam.  Maybe it's something more serious.  Anybody know
    one way or the other?
    David Gillett
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