Take note of products that don't "advertise" they have MSDE/SQL i ntegration.

From: Shaw, Kevin (kevin.shawat_private)
Date: Tue Jan 28 2003 - 13:05:03 PST

  • Next message: Bojan Zdrnja: "RE: MSDE contained in..."

    We noticed some instances where medical and photography equipment has MSDE
    as part of the storage or image-forwarding software that comes with the
    device; so it is not widely advertised that it uses it at all.  I also have
    acquaintances that work for pharmaceutical manufacturers and they
    encountered some process automation tools and other devices - like post Y2K
    stuff - that had this in place.  I'm not making an official statement at
    all; but I thought I'd put a warning out to the community.  You can probably
    find the FedCIRC or VA-CIRC bulletins that identify anything they (we)
    specifically know about.
    Kevin Shaw
    Security Analyst 1
    VA Security Operations Center
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