klez variant??

From: Peter Snell (PSnellat_private)
Date: Thu Jan 30 2003 - 10:11:25 PST

  • Next message: Kurt Seifried: "Re: Packet from port 80 with spoofed microsoft.com ip"

    Over the past 2 days, we have been seeing a resurgence of Klez type
    activity.  However, this appears to be getting past our a/v software.  The
    symptoms we see are:
    - spoofed email address
    - unusual subject
    - no body
    - attachments with .scr, .bat, .exe, .jpg extensions (there may be others,
    but this is what we've examined so far)
    - when the email is opened, even in preview pane, it launches Media Player
    but is unable to find the specified file.
    Has anyone else seen this type of activity lately, or have any thoughts on
    Peter Snell, MCP
    LAN Admin 
    Daymon Associates 
    * (210) 299-8164 
    * psnellat_private 
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