Re: DoS Attacks, Detecting the Source, and Service Providers

From: H C (keydet89at_private)
Date: Tue Feb 04 2003 - 12:44:06 PST

  • Next message: Fitzgerald, John: "RE: Packets from (was: Packet from port 80 wi th spoofed ip)"

    > Maybe a newbie question, but I was wondering if
    > back-tracing packets to its
    > source is a service provider requirement? I mean if
    > one of my hosts is being
    > attacked, for example a simple ICMP DoS attack, what
    > could I do if the service provider doesn't
    Requirement?  Not hardly.  If you're experiencing an
    attack, you can (a) configure your own systems
    (routers, f/ws) to protect against it, and (b) *ask*
    your ISP to do the same.
    > I was wondering if there are certain procedures to
    > detect the source of attacks?
    What attacks?  Things like ICMP DoS and even UDP-based
    attacks like Slammer are relatively easy to
    spoof...TCP-based attacks (except for things like SYN
    flooding) are more difficult.  
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