Re: email address probes

From: Ned Fleming (nedat_private)
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 07:07:05 PST

  • Next message: Axel Beckert - ecos gmbh: "Re: email address probes"

    On Wed, 5 Feb 2003 20:54:19 +0000, Andy Bastien
    <lists+incidentsat_private> wrote:
    >I'd like to be able to stop these attempts, but I can't think of a way
    >to do it.  All of the attempts are coming from valid servers from some
    >domains that we can't block.  They do all have null reverse-paths
    >(MAIL FROM:<>), but I don't think that we can reject on this criteria
    Maybe you're being joe-jobbed. To wit: A spammer is using your domain
    name as the "From: xyzat_private" or "Reply-To:" address on the spam
    he's spewing.

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