Re: email address probes

From: Dave Laird (dlairdat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 05 2003 - 23:57:41 PST

  • Next message: Ned Fleming: "Re: email address probes"

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    Good evening, Andy... everyone...
    On Wednesday 05 February 2003 12:54 pm, Andy Bastien wrote:
    > Where I work, we've getting lots of attempts to send email to random
    > addresses at our domain.  All of these attempts have been coming from
    > valid servers operated by AOL, MSN, and Hotmail.  I'm guessing that
    > this is an attempt to find some spam targets, although I suppose that
    > there could be something worse in store.
    You haven't said if you are able to detect whether these are clever forgeries
    attempting to spoof your mailer into believing they are from AOL, MSN or
    Hotmail. I see a *lot* of these, coming from domains in South America and
    Pacific Rim Countries. When I get too many of these from the same IP range in
    a short period of time, I drop them from within the IPTables firewall script
    and they never bother me again. 8-) Yes, I know it's crude, but it's also
    extremely effective. 
    > Does anyone have any suggestions as to how we could handle this
    > problem?
    You said these were coming from domains you cannot block. Can I ask why? If
    they are consistently sending you spam, and if their ISP is not responsive to
    your complaints, I'd drop them via the firewall method. 
    - -- 
    Dave Laird (Daveat_private)
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