Re: Netbios Name Scans/opaserv worm

From: H C (keydet89at_private)
Date: Thu Feb 06 2003 - 14:02:50 PST

  • Next message: Rob Shein: "RE: ALEVRIUS!"

    > Is there any legitimate reason for these types of
    > random netbios name
    > scans, or any netbios name scan for that matter?
    Hhhhmmmm...a traffic capture might be something to do.
     Or, when the traffic occurs, run fport on the system
    to see which process is using the source port...
    > Also, does anyone know if
    > there is any way to remotely detect this worm on a
    > machine without running a local virus scan?
    Well, depending on the variant, it should be pretty
    easy to do:
    Seems all you have to do is scan for the files on the
    root of the drive, or even easier is the Registry key.
     I run monthly scans to check the ubiquitous Run key,
    as well as others...using Perl, of course.
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