On Wed, Feb 05, 2003 at 03:26:12PM -0700, Brad Arlt wrote: > We use Sendmail and Milter to make this less of an issue. We have a > milter program that uses the number of correct addresses vs > number of incorrect addresses for each connecting IP address. If the > ratio exceeds a certain number all addresses are tempoararily > unavailable (return 4xx SMTP error code). I am hoping the moderator will let this slip through, even though it is a little off topic. I have talked with the staff member that wrote the milter program. The plan is a put up a web site describing the methodology and background of the code, and release the code later (in two weeks is my guess). I don't have a URL as yet, http://www.milter.org will have a post when the code is released. My web page (such as it is) will also have a link to the web page, and until then a blurb more or less stating what is in this email. http://www.cpsc.ucalgary.ca/~arlt/ Until the link on my web page appears, or the post to milter.org happens the code is not going to be released. Not even if you say pretty please with sugar on top. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- __o Bradley Arlt Security Team Lead _ \<_ arltat_private University Of Calgary (_)/(_) I should be biking right now. Computer Science ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service. For more information on this free incident handling, management and tracking system please see: http://aris.securityfocus.com
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