Traffic on UDP 1815

From: Sahr, Kenneth (ksahrat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 11 2003 - 07:21:12 PST

  • Next message: Anders Reed Mohn: "RE: ALEVRIUS!"

    Hi all, longtime lurker, first time poster to this forum.  I've been seeing a lot of traffic on my home Win2K pro machine lately from random IP's/high numbered source ports to UDP 1815, which is registered as "MMPFT"..this is all the information I can gather on it though..anybody have any insight into what this might be? I'm hoping someone's seen it before.. I also checked, there is no initial packets sent out from my machine to any of these source IP' I don't suspect any kind of callback, and I don't really expect any sort of intrusion at all..just curious as to what this service is..
    Thanks in advance for any replies
    K Sahr
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