RE: ftp server compromised

From: Denis Dimick (denisat_private)
Date: Wed Feb 12 2003 - 21:45:35 PST

  • Next message: psion: "Re: ftp server compromised"

    Also, If you can stop using FTP..
    If your not supporting anonymous access then use SCP or ANYTHING.. 
    On Wed, 12 Feb 2003, Mark E. Donaldson wrote:
    > IIS FTP compromise is actually quite a common and frequent problem.  You
    > basically have three problems to deal with here:
    > 1) Until you pull the network connection wire, you will make no progress.
    > That is step one.
    > 2) These files and directories are normally not easy to delete.  You will
    > see some advice and references that state they can be successfully removed
    > with "POSIX Compliant Tools".  And yes, sometimes they are successful.
    > However, I recommend you put the money out and buy a copy of WinHex.  It
    > will never fail.  Follow these instructions: "Search for all occurrences of
    > the filenames you need to dispose of using Search | Find Text, in Unicode,
    > and replace all of them with any other filename.  Schedule CHKDSK to run on
    > that partition at next reboot.  Reboot the machine.  CHKDSK will then delete
    > the files and restore the disk space back to free space.
    > 3) Chances of identifying and eliminating all the hacked files is very slim
    > at this point in time is very slim.  Consider reformatting and re-installing
    > from last know good (uncompromised) backup.
    > Good luck.  This is a tough spot to be in.
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: []
    > Sent: Wednesday, February 12, 2003 5:21 PM
    > To: incidentsat_private
    > Subject: ftp server compromised
    > Dear All,
    > Pls advise..also apologize if this problem have already been posted here
    > before.)
    > huge amount of compressed movies have been uploaded on our FTP server
    > w/out our consent. I tried to delete via windows explorer and DOS but the
    > system is just giving error and files cannot be deleted.
    > Kindly please advise, how to manualy delete this files, and also to
    > protect our server from this to happen again. As per the IIS logs, he was
    > able to login via anonymous and uploaded files. I know I have disabled
    > the anonymous on the FTP but for some reason the hacker seems to have
    > workaround on this. (copied here is the server logs .. pls advise...)
    > 00:35:41 (IP withheld) [49]USER anonymous 331
    > 00:35:41 (IP withheld) [49]PASS anonymousat_private 230
    > 00:36:39 (IP withheld)[50]USER anonymous 331
    > 00:36:39 (IP withheld)[50]PASS anonymousat_private 230
    > 00:36:44 (IP withheld)[50]
    > sent /webmail+/++prn0+++++++/++prn0++++++++/++++con2+++++/++The+We@sel+3
    > ,74069437262937E+35++/Filled+By/xvid-mnlght-subs-nl-aen.rar 550
    > 00:36:49 (IP withheld) [50]created xvid-mnlght-subs-nl-aen.rar 226
    > 00:36:59 (IP withheld)[51]USER anonymous 331
    > 00:37:00 (IP withheld)[51]PASS anonymousat_private 230
    > 00:39:10 (IP withheld)[50]
    > sent /webmail+/++prn0+++++++/++prn0++++++++/++++con2+++++/++The+We@sel+3
    > ,74069437262937E+35++/Filled+By/--+==+[]+==+-- 550
    > 00:39:23 (IP withheld)[50]created --+==+[]+==+-- 226
    > 00:51:49 (IP withheld)[49]closed - 421
    > ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
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