Re: port 17300 probe fingerprint analysis

From: John Sage (jsageat_private)
Date: Tue Feb 18 2003 - 07:06:36 PST

  • Next message: Hugo van der Kooij: "Re: Distributed spam-based DoS in progress"

    On Mon, Feb 17, 2003 at 08:00:31PM -0800, Royans Tharakan wrote:
    > We have all been looking for activity on 17300. I have a honeypot
    > running on this port which promptly ACKed back on that port. The probe
    > promptly returned within 10 seconds with a second probe.
    I am running ACK_hole on TCP:17300. I've seen little activity lately;
    most recently 02/07/03. Most probes I see are spaced at about 5 to 40
    seconds, SYN, ACK, RST.
    > Its common to get RSTs back from attacking host, which we in the
    > intrusion community have been dismissing as responses from spoofed
    > address. However I did have a second TCP probe from the same server
    > which throws that idea away.
    The only (one!) probe I've seen with both source and destination of
    17300 has the form SYN, RST. The probing host returns immediately from
    source port 3882 with SYN, ACK, ten seconds, ACK, FIN, and then
    another ACK.
    All other probes have had a more "normal" source port in the range
    > Its normal for most OS to send an RST on a SYN-ACKs which is not
    > initiated by it (or if the SYN is crafted by a tool running on it), so
    > I was tempted to say that RST here was generated by the source host
    > after I sent  the SYN-ACK of the first packet. But the fingerprint of
    > the second probe doesn't match the RST of the first probe, leading me
    > to believe that this was either generated  by its firewall, or by the
    > tool itself to force our logs to believe that this was a reply from
    > spoofed address. 
    Here, the first SYN (source port 17300) has the following form:
    #(622 - 25) [2003-01-25 14:02:48]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=53028 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=110 chksum=8798
    TCP:  port=17300 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=139324875
          ack=729646487 off=5 res=0 win=51098 urp=0 chksum=24228
    Payload: none
    while the second SYN (source port 3882) has the form:
    #(622 - 27) [2003-01-25 14:02:49]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=60 ID=14703 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=51 chksum=45823
    TCP:  port=3882 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=286060836
          ack=0 off=10 res=0 win=32120 urp=0 chksum=26176
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=05B4
           #2 - SACKOK len=0
           #3 - TS len=10 data=0016B3FB00000000
           #4 - NOP len=0
           #5 - WS len=3 data=00
    Payload: none
    Notice the time delta of one second; no TCP options versus 5; very
    different IP ID's; very different TTL's; very different SEQ's; that
    the first is ACK'ing "729646487" which is nonsense in a SYN; that
    there are very different window advertisements.
    > There are significant fingerprinting differences between the first
    > probe and second probe. Its easy to figure out that the first probe is
    > actually crafted, but the difference between first and second packet
    > of the first probe can uniquely fingerprint this tool anywhere else on
    > the internet. The TTL differs by 11 hops... and I'm tempted to bet
    > that this could be bug in this attacking tool.
    > BTW, can someone tell me the importance of "Window Scale=0" ?
    wscale is a TCP option that "..increases the definition of the TCP
    window from 16 to 32 bits...Instead of changing the TCP header
    [itself] to accomodate the larger window, the header still holds a 16
    bit value, and an option is defined that applies a scaling operation
    to the 16-bit value..." WR Stevens, "TCP/IP Illustrated" vol 1, p 347
    I'd say this has no great significance.
    > Here is some more info... and the packet dump itself.
    > 1. TTL changes from 113 to 244 between a Syn and a Rset in the first probe
    Yes. Mine: TTL 110 to 242 between SYN and RST..
    > 2. IP ID is very different between Syn and RST of the first probe.
    > 3. However IPID is sequential in the second probe
    > 4. The remote site ACKs my SYN-ACK and waits for reply from the victim host.
    > 5. Fingerprint of first probe 
    > 	Window size of the first packet is 0xC23C
    > 	TTL 113,244 (+11 is the hops I counted to that system) = 124,255
    > 	IPID is random (or 2 different systems, or crafted)
    > 6. Fingerprints of second probe
    > 	window size of the second packet is 0x7D78
    Yes. My second SYN from src port 3882 is this:
    [toot@sparky ~]# 2 hd 7D78 = 32120 decimal
    > 	TTL 53 (11 is the hops I counted to that system) = 64
    My second SYN from src port 3882 has a TTL of 51..
    > 	SACKOK
    > 	TS 317697848
    > 	WS 0 
    Grand total overall I've seen: 101 total since 04/06/02.
    I had a *real* big burst from multiple hosts 08/05/02; a few in
    September, and then nothing until December 25.
    Here are my captures since the recent increase in activity, after
    Generated by ACID v0.9.6b21 on Mon February 17, 2003 22:46:13
    #(575 - 166) [2002-12-25 11:01:32]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=22259 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=112 chksum=33023
    TCP:  port=2295 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=17094016
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=32768 urp=0 chksum=44345
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=05B4
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    #(575 - 167) [2002-12-25 11:01:33]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=32499 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=112 chksum=22791
    TCP:  port=2295 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A**** seq=17094017
          ack=3273459440 off=5 res=0 win=32768 urp=0 chksum=4064
    Payload: none
    #(575 - 168) [2002-12-25 11:01:36]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=54771 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=112 chksum=519
    TCP:  port=2295 -> dport: 17300  flags=*****R** seq=17094017
          ack=3394151851 off=5 res=0 win=0 urp=0 chksum=59903
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 36) [2002-12-31 23:49:45]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=33957 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=111 chksum=3393
    TCP:  port=2150 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=4246163840
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=16384 urp=0 chksum=11947
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=05B4
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 37) [2002-12-31 23:49:45]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=34200 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=111 chksum=3158
    TCP:  port=2150 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A**** seq=4246163841
          ack=2329939848 off=5 res=0 win=17520 urp=0 chksum=48262
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 38) [2002-12-31 23:49:48]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=34490 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=111 chksum=2868
    TCP:  port=2150 -> dport: 17300  flags=*****R** seq=4246163841
          ack=0 off=5 res=0 win=0 urp=56901 chksum=48421
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 42) [2003-01-01 00:00:42]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=61975 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=49 chksum=8537
    TCP:  port=1514 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=5303038
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=59680 urp=0 chksum=11994
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=05B4
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 43) [2003-01-01 00:00:43]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=62231 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=49 chksum=8289
    TCP:  port=1514 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A**** seq=5303039
          ack=3030841619 off=5 res=0 win=59680 urp=0 chksum=44499
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 45) [2003-01-01 00:01:26]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=5656 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=49 chksum=64864
    TCP:  port=1514 -> dport: 17300  flags=*****R** seq=5303039
          ack=3133846692 off=5 res=0 win=0 urp=0 chksum=54603
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 46) [2003-01-01 00:03:03]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=23064 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=49 chksum=47448
    TCP:  port=1518 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=5443855
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=59680 urp=0 chksum=2243
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=05B4
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 47) [2003-01-01 00:03:03]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=23576 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=49 chksum=46944
    TCP:  port=1518 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A**** seq=5443856
          ack=3179438836 off=5 res=0 win=59680 urp=0 chksum=5376
    Payload: none
    #(188 - 48) [2003-01-01 00:04:00]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=38168 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=49 chksum=32352
    TCP:  port=1518 -> dport: 17300  flags=*****R** seq=5443856
          ack=1535738692 off=5 res=0 win=0 urp=0 chksum=16342
    Payload: none
    #(562 - 435) [2003-01-04 19:22:49]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=18698 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=113 chksum=48751
    TCP:  port=2448 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=3983326971
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=16384 urp=771 chksum=17473
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=05B4
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    #(562 - 436) [2003-01-04 19:22:50]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=18821 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=113 chksum=48636
    TCP:  port=2448 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A**** seq=3983326972
          ack=2455523879 off=5 res=0 win=17520 urp=771 chksum=34817
    Payload: none
    #(562 - 437) [2003-01-04 19:22:53]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=19192 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=113 chksum=48265
    TCP:  port=2448 -> dport: 17300  flags=*****R** seq=3983326972
          ack=0 off=5 res=0 win=0 urp=0 chksum=46084
    Payload: none
    #(562 - 441) [2003-01-04 19:30:41]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=37856 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=111 chksum=13794
    TCP:  port=3301 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=813358970
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=8760 urp=0 chksum=48755
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=05B4
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    #(562 - 442) [2003-01-04 19:30:42]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=37857 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=111 chksum=13801
    TCP:  port=3301 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A**** seq=813358971
          ack=2964701948 off=5 res=0 win=8760 urp=0 chksum=30581
    Payload: none
    #(562 - 443) [2003-01-04 19:31:03]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=37884 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=111 chksum=13774
    TCP:  port=3301 -> dport: 17300  flags=*****R** seq=813358971
          ack=3102038754 off=5 res=0 win=0 urp=0 chksum=63907
    Payload: none
    Here's the only probe I've seen with a src port 17300:
    #(622 - 25) [2003-01-25 14:02:48]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=53028 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=110 chksum=8798
    TCP:  port=17300 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=139324875
          ack=729646487 off=5 res=0 win=51098 urp=0 chksum=24228
    Payload: none
    #(622 - 26) [2003-01-25 14:02:49]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=40 ID=14696 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=242 chksum=13338
    TCP:  port=17300 -> dport: 17300  flags=*****R** seq=139324876
          ack=0 off=5 res=0 win=0 urp=0 chksum=55120
    Payload: none
    #(622 - 27) [2003-01-25 14:02:49]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=60 ID=14703 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=51 chksum=45823
    TCP:  port=3882 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=286060836
          ack=0 off=10 res=0 win=32120 urp=0 chksum=26176
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=05B4
           #2 - SACKOK len=0
           #3 - TS len=10 data=0016B3FB00000000
           #4 - NOP len=0
           #5 - WS len=3 data=00
    Payload: none
    #(622 - 28) [2003-01-25 14:02:49]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=52 ID=14711 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=51 chksum=45823
    TCP:  port=3882 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A**** seq=286060837
          ack=3967778627 off=8 res=0 win=32120 urp=0 chksum=61445
           #1 - NOP len=0
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - TS len=10 data=0016B4245878E08A
    Payload: none
    #(622 - 29) [2003-01-25 14:02:59]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=52 ID=15135 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=51 chksum=45399
    TCP:  port=3882 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A***F seq=286060837
          ack=3967778627 off=8 res=0 win=32120 urp=0 chksum=60434
           #1 - NOP len=0
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - TS len=10 data=0016B8165878E08A
    Payload: none
    #(622 - 30) [2003-01-25 14:02:59]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=52 ID=15150 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=51 chksum=45384
    TCP:  port=3882 -> dport: 17300  flags=***A**** seq=286060838
          ack=3967778628 off=8 res=0 win=32120 urp=0 chksum=59360
           #1 - NOP len=0
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - TS len=10 data=0016B82F5878E4A2
    Payload: none
    #(641 - 140) [2003-02-07 21:42:48]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=33864 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=112 chksum=31078
    TCP:  port=1657 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=879043774
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=16384 urp=0 chksum=37619
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=0596
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    #(641 - 141) [2003-02-07 21:42:49]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=33895 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=112 chksum=31047
    TCP:  port=1657 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=879043774
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=16384 urp=0 chksum=37619
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=0596
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    #(641 - 142) [2003-02-07 21:42:52]  TCP inbound to 17300 Kuang2
    IPv4: ->
          hlen=5 TOS=0 dlen=48 ID=33928 flags=0 offset=0 TTL=112 chksum=31014
    TCP:  port=1657 -> dport: 17300  flags=******S* seq=879043774
          ack=0 off=7 res=0 win=16384 urp=0 chksum=37619
           #1 - MSS len=4 data=0596
           #2 - NOP len=0
           #3 - NOP len=0
           #4 - SACKOK len=0
    Payload: none
    > -----Original Message-----
    > ---------------
    > 01:58:53.790082 > 24.219.XX.XX.17300: S [tcp sum
    > ok] 490674844:490674844(0) win 49724 (ttl 113, id 21549, len 40)
    >                  4500 0028 542d 0000 7106 39ae cc2a cc97
    >                  18db XXXX 4394 4394 1d3f 1a9c 0da5 8c9f
    >                  5002 c23c d868 0000 0000 0000 0000
    > 01:58:53.798301 24.219.XX.XX.17300 > S [tcp sum
    > ok] 0:0(0) ack 490674845 win 65535 (DF) [tos 0x10]  (ttl 64, id 0, len
    > 40)
    >                  4510 0028 0000 4000 4006 7ecb 18db XXXX
    >                  cc2a cc97 4394 4394 0000 0000 1d3f 1a9d
    >                  5012 ffff 34d9 0000
    > 01:58:53.908607 > 24.219.XX.XX.17300: R [tcp sum
    > ok] 490674845:490674845(0) win 0 (ttl 244, id 48833, len 40)
    >                  4500 0028 bec1 0000 f406 4c19 cc2a cc97
    >                  18db XXXX 4394 4394 1d3f 1a9d 0000 0000
    >                  5004 0000 34e7 0000 0000 0000 0000
    > 01:59:04.012423 > 24.219.XX.XX.17300: S [tcp sum
    > ok] 31094744:31094744(0) win 32120 <mss 1460,sackOK,timestamp
    > 317697848 0,nop,wscale 0> (DF) (ttl 53, id 49933, len 60)
    >                  4500 003c c30d 4000 3506 c6b9 cc2a cc97
    >                  18db XXXX 0893 4394 01da 77d8 0000 0000
    >                  a002 7d78 8698 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a
    >                  12ef af38 0000 0000 0103 0300
    > 01:59:04.019866 24.219.XX.XX.17300 > S [tcp sum
    > ok] 0:0(0) ack 31094745 win 65535 (DF) [tos 0x10]  (ttl 64, id 0, len
    > 40)
    >                  4510 0028 0000 4000 4006 7ecb 18db XXXX
    >                  cc2a cc97 4394 0893 0000 0000 01da 77d9
    >                  5012 ffff 2e03 0000
    > 01:59:04.145460 > 24.219.XX.XX.17300: . [tcp sum
    > ok] 31094745:31094745(0) ack 1 win 32120 (DF) (ttl 53, id 49945, len
    > 40)
    >                  4500 0028 c319 4000 3506 c6c1 cc2a cc97
    >                  18db XXXX 0893 4394 01da 77d9 0000 0001
    >                  5010 7d78 b08b 0000 0000 0000 0000
    > 01:59:04.145596 24.219.XX.XX.17300 > R [tcp sum
    > ok] 1:1(0) win 0 (DF) (ttl 64, id 0, len 40)
    >                  4500 0028 0000 4000 4006 7edb 18db XXXX
    >                  cc2a cc97 4394 0893 0000 0001 0000 0000
    >                  5004 0000 a7c3 0000
    - John
    "You are in a little maze of twisty passages, all different."
        PGP key:
    Fingerprint: C493 9F26 05A9 6497 9800  4EF6 5FC8 F23D 35A4 F705
    This list is provided by the SecurityFocus ARIS analyzer service.
    For more information on this free incident handling, management 
    and tracking system please see:

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Tue Feb 18 2003 - 10:43:38 PST