Re: port 17300 probe fingerprint analysis

From: william.millerat_private
Date: Wed Feb 19 2003 - 04:30:17 PST

  • Next message: Dave Hart: "RE: Distributed spam-based DoS in progress"

    The window scale = 0 is a tcp option that allows TCP to increase its window
    size from 16 bits to 32 bits in size. Without boring everyone with minor
    details if the window scale was set to 1 that would mean that window size
    would be 131070 or 65535 x 2 and so on. If you want more information on
    this option see RFC 1323 or TCP/IP Illustrated Vol. 1 page 347-349.
    Toby Miller
    "A wise man is a man who knows he knows nothing at all"
                              - Socrates
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