FTimes 3.2.0 Released

From: Klayton Monroe (klmat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 02:03:47 PST

  • Next message: Gordon Ewasiuk: "Questions: LKM, yoyo & rootkits"

      FTimes is a system baselining and evidence collection tool. The
      primary purpose of FTimes is to gather and/or develop information
      about specified directories and files in a manner conducive to
      intrusion analysis.
      FTimes is a lightweight tool in the sense that it doesn't need
      to be "installed" on a given system to work on that system, it
      is small enough to fit on a single floppy, and it provides only
      a command line interface.
      Preserving records of all activity that occurs during a snapshot
      is important for intrusion analysis and evidence admissibility.
      For this reason, FTimes was designed to log four types of
      information: configuration settings, progress indicators, metrics,
      and errors. Output produced by FTimes is delimited text, and
      therefore, is easily assimilated by a wide variety of existing
      Version 3.2.0 is a minor release of FTimes. Compare logic has
      been completely overhauled. Hash collisions are detected and
      properly handled now, and the db's hard-coded size limit has been
      eliminated. Support for NTFS mounted partitions under Linux has
      been added. Faulty Content-Length detection and validation logic
      has been fixed. The static SSL build process for WIN32 platforms
      was changed to use /MT instead of /MD. This change requires that
      static OpenSSL builds use the /MT flag as well. The install
      location for nph-ftimes.cgi has been moved to ${prefix}/cgi/cgi-client.
    White paper: "System Baselining -- A Forensic Perspective"
      This paper defines baselining terminology, explains the mechanics
      of baselining, compares and contrasts different baselining
      techniques, and describes FTimes -- a system baselining and
      evidence collection tool. The paper also explores some of the
      criteria that evidence collection tools and techniques must satisfy
      if they are going to support prosecutions. In closing, it presents
      a pair of war stories that are typical of the times.
    Klayton Monroe
    Exodus Security Research and Development
    Fingerprint = 6D3B 1DBC F426 36E4 7C9A  FA93 9A5D D62D 4D86 DBFC
    Do you know the base address of the Global Offset Table (GOT) on a Solaris 8
    CORE IMPACT does.

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Fri Feb 21 2003 - 15:29:41 PST