WebJob 1.2.3 Released

From: Klayton Monroe (klmat_private)
Date: Fri Feb 21 2003 - 01:42:00 PST

  • Next message: Klayton Monroe: "FTimes 3.2.0 Released"

      WebJob downloads a program over HTTP/HTTPS and executes it in one
      unified operation. The output, if any, may be directed to
      stdout/stderr or a Web resource. WebJob may be useful in incident
      response and intrusion analysis as it provides a mechanism to run
      known good diagnostic programs on a potentially compromised system.
      It can also support a variety of centralized management and
      host-based monitoring solutions such as process monitoring, file
      integrity, package/patch deployment, configuration management,
      and policy compliance.
      WebJob is also the home of Payload and Delivery (PaD) technology.
      A PaD file is a self-extracting executable which can be implemented
      as either a script or a program. In addition to extracting their
      payload, PaD executables support flexible payload delivery. In
      other words, the user controls if, when, and how a given payload
      will be delivered. Within the PaD framework, delivery refers to
      the act of running one or more commands to manipulate or otherwise
      make use of the extracted payload.
      Version 1.2.3 is a update release of WebJob. Generally, code was
      cleaned up and refined as necessary. Faulty Content-Length detection
      and validation logic has been fixed. The PaD sub-project has been
      restructured and overhauled. New tools were added to facilitate
      PaD construction. The install location for nph-webjob.cgi has
      been moved to ${prefix}/cgi/cgi-client. Now, the CGI script allows
      the location of uploaded files to be customized, and it can be
      configured to search for requested programs/scripts in one or
      more shared directories. Finally, the configure/build process has
      been updated.
    Klayton Monroe
    Exodus Security Research and Development
    Fingerprint = 6D3B 1DBC F426 36E4 7C9A  FA93 9A5D D62D 4D86 DBFC
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