Re: Weird Windows logon attempts

From: Jacco Tunnissen (jaccoat_private)
Date: Sun Feb 23 2003 - 19:08:42 PST

  • Next message: Bojan Zdrnja: "Re: Weird Windows logon attempts"

    On Mon, Feb 24, 2003 at 01:27:54PM +1300, Harry Hoffman wrote:
    >We have just setup ntsyslog from Our security policy is to
    >log events on failure and we have just started seeing the below events.
    >After talking with the users we are pretty sure that they are not
    >attempting to access the services. And they don't have accounts on that
    >Feb 22 13:27:49
    >security[failure] 681 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM  The logon to account: USERNAME  by:
    >MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0  from workstation: G731-220-4  failed. The
    >error code was: 3221225572  
    >Feb 22 13:27:49
    >security[failure] 681 NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM  The logon to account: USERNAME  by:
    >MICROSOFT_AUTHENTICATION_PACKAGE_V1_0  from workstation: G731-220-4  failed. The
    >error code was: 3221225572  
    Hi Harry,
    Although I don't exactly know the details about the NT Authentication
    process, the following document might help to answer your question.
      Auditing the Windows 2000 Authentication Process
      Julio Silveira, April 1, 2001
    Good luck,
    Jacco Tunnissen
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