And in addition to HFNetChk use qchain to install multiple hot fixes without having to reboot for each one: 723-9c28-f66859060f5d&DisplayLang=en -----Original Message----- From: Austin Ehlers [mailto:aehlersat_private] Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 8:15 PM To: incidentsat_private Subject: RE: Weird Profile in Documents and Settings In addition to HFNetChk, you can use Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer @ ity/tool s/tools/MBSAHome.ASP It makes it rather easy to see what's missing on the computer. Austin ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Do you know the base address of the Global Offset Table (GOT) on a Solaris 8 box? CORE IMPACT does. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you know the base address of the Global Offset Table (GOT) on a Solaris 8 box? CORE IMPACT does.
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