RE: A question for the list...

From: Dan Perez (danperezat_private)
Date: Sat May 17 2003 - 17:11:15 PDT

  • Next message: Michael Osten: "Re: Scans from"

    >This approach has
    >a host of ethical and technical issues, but assuming an altruistic and
    >benevolent (and
    >technically competent) source, this vaccine has a net benefit (sorry
    >about all the puns).
    This predicates the need for some means of control. One can easily envision
    tens of varying efforts to resolve a widespread issue that have differing
    approaches and, probably at some point, poor implementations of resolution
    (with their probable adverse impact on the host). The beneficiaries of this
    programmatic benelovence then have to contend with the original point at
    issue (which is usually well documented) alongside the tens of possible
    attempts at resolution which would be near impossible to get documentation
    on and one would still need to discover which means of resolution was
    attempted on their host(s) .
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