RE: A question for the list...

From: Russell Harding (hardingrat_private)
Date: Thu May 29 2003 - 09:22:20 PDT

  • Next message: Q: "strange cmd.exe access"

    Hello all,
    <snip, comments below>
    > You're missing a critical problem here; evidence.  Collecting evidence from
    > foreign companies (the biggest spammer may be American, but he uses foreign
    > servers and ISPs) is a lot harder than it is from companies based here.
    > Lack of feet on the ground aside, subpoenas have no force, and god knows
    > what other possible obstacles (like payoffs) could come into play also.
    > Ultimately, it would be simple to make it nightmarishly hard to trace an
    > email back to the server, from the server to the ISP, from the ISP to the
    > customer/spammer.
    While the above point is quite true, (we live in a litigious society,
    however, _very_ few cases of purely technical nature ever go to
    trial... When I say purely techinical, I mean cases involving only hacking
    / spamming.  Most cases tried contain other fraudulent / destructive /
    espionage senarios).  The courts are not equipped for this sort of thing.
      Regardless, most spam is selling something.  You can always find the
    source if you look to the people the spam is advertising for.  If there
    was a crackdown on illegal Viagra sales by the FDA in the US, I'm sure
    that Viagra spam would slow.
      After all, there is no better way to get the feds paying attention to
    your illegal business than sending out 10,000,000 emails.
         -Russell Harding

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