RE: File on desktop called "~"

From: David McBeth [VMACS] (dwmcbethat_private)
Date: Fri Jun 13 2003 - 11:41:38 PDT

  • Next message: Mike: "Re: Spoofed TCP SYNs w/Winsize 55808 (was: Help with an odd log file...)"

    I also experienced this problem, and learned from a MS Usenet newsgroup that
    it is a bug in the latest Outlook Express update, when you add a new contact
    to the address book it makes a backup of your address book which is the file
    on the desktop. MS says that it is safe to delete if you don't want it
    there. Supposedly when you open the file in a text editor you can see your
    address book. It was created on my desktop after running the Outlook express
    newsreader. Some others reported having it created on the root of their C:
    drive. Hope this helps.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: riceat_private [mailto:riceat_private] 
    Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2003 1:34 PM
    To: incidentsat_private
    Subject: File on desktop called "~"
    I'm starting to see some of my workstations getting a
    suspicious file on the desktop with the filename ~.
    Using a hex editor, you can see current email addresses
    that mail has been sent to. Neither Norton or Sophos
    detect a problem. Has anyone else seen this or have any
    infomation about what this might be?
    All workstations are running win2k or winxp. Outlook
    2002 is the email app. Task manager on the afflicted
    machines shows all the same processes of non-afflicted
    Many thanks!

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