First Time Security Incident

From: madboo (madbooat_private)
Date: Sat Jul 26 2003 - 11:31:14 PDT

  • Next message: Robin Lynn Frank: "Is this enough to identify this by?"

    I've seen this before, typicaly on machines which were compromised via netbios 
    null session vulnerabilities.  There may be a hidden recursive directory 
    within rmtcfg, look at the dates on the files in the directory and do a search 
    for files Modified/Created on at that time, I think I may have saved the whole 
    directory structure, I'll take a look to see if there is any more information 
    I can give you.  Other then that, if the machine was running on a routable IP 
    make sure you filter/shutdown any unecessary ports/services.  If the PDC was 
    not on a routable IP, you may have a malicious internal user, check the audit 
    logs.  I've actually seen this more on laptops which were plugged into a cable 
    modem/DSL not running a personal firewall.
    >Sorry if this post seems remedial, but I'm pretty new to security.
    >Last week out NT4 PDC detected a virus (Pinfi.a) and put it in quaentine
    >as it should. While cleaning up the files, I noticed a new folder in the
    >WINNT/System32 directory: rmtcfg. It was filled with several .exe and
    >batch scripts.
    >Evindetally, someone got in (with admin privledges) and tried to setup a
    >IRC server using a IRC.Flood variant. Luckily, the virus protection
    >kicked in before he could finish setting up the server.
    >I ran handle.exe, listdlls.exe, pslist.exe, fport.exe, and netstat as
    >directed in "Detecting and Removing Trojans and Malicious Code from
    >My question is, since the system was compromised and system files and the
    >registry have been replaced/added too, am I just better off formatting
    >the system partition and restoring from a good backup?

    This archive was generated by hypermail 2b30 : Sun Jul 27 2003 - 11:31:22 PDT