RE: Exploit for Windows RPC may be in the wild!

From: Paul Tinsley (pdtat_private)
Date: Mon Jul 28 2003 - 22:28:38 PDT

  • Next message: Danny: "Anyone know this tool?"

    I wrote some earlier today and sent them over to the snort signatures list.
    In my eyes the signatures are still Alpha, they seem to pick up all of the
    options out of dcom.c really well.  I have yet to see a false positive or
    negative.  I am looking for feedback though, so if you use them and find
    false results in either direction, please let me know so that I can improve
    the rules.
    Use either 1100001 - 1100007 or 1100008, if used in conjunction 8 will
    override 1-7.  I wrote 8 for those who just want to know it is going on but
    don't care specifically what is being attempted, the other rule sets will
    tell you down to the SP what attack is being attempted.  Be warned with 8,
    it is very dependant on the dcom.c version of the code.  The other 7 are a
    little more flexible.  Read the documentation referenced in the rules for
    more info.
        Paul Tinsley
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Eric Appelboom [mailto:ericat_private] 
    Sent: Sunday, July 27, 2003 12:42 PM
    To: Compton, Rich; incidentsat_private
    Yes exploits have been released (source code) and win32 compilied
    A worm is expected soon see full-disclosure tread.
    Happy patching
    Any1 with snort sig?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Compton, Rich [mailto:RComptonat_private] 
    Sent: 25 July 2003 09:46 PM
    To: incidentsat_private
    ISPs are reporting a dramatic increase in traffic on TCP port 135.  No
    exploit code has been captured as of yet but the increase in traffic on
    port probably indicates that exploit code is being executed!  Block
    135 through 139 and 445! 
    More info:
    -Rich Compton

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