intercepting system calls

From: David Wagner (dawat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 17:50:23 PDT

  • Next message: David Wagner: "intercepting system calls"

    Philippe Biondi  wrote:
    >The problems that it raise and that we must resolve :
    >* How to attach AC data to processes ?
    >* How can we guarantee that we did not forget a check point ?
    >* How can we manage security policies changes/cohabitation ?
    >[...] Another big problem is the data persistence.
    IMHO, these are excellent questions!
    I've mentioned most of my substantive ideas to address these issues in
    other emails, so I won't repeat them here.  However, I'll touch on the
    first question you raised.
    It seems that there's a natural way to attach state to a process.  Add a
    'security_state' field to the task_struct which contains a pointer
    to a linked list of 'void *' pointers (one per module interested in
    this process).  Allow modules to register hooks on process creation and
    deletion to allocate and de-allocate any memory needed.  Provide a way
    for a module to get and set a 'void *' pointer to be associated with
    a process.
    What do you think of this rough approach?

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