intercepting system calls

From: David Wagner (dawat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 12 2001 - 17:52:40 PDT

  • Next message: David Wagner: "intercepting system calls"

    Scott Leerssen  wrote:
    >3) let process credentials follow objects involved in IPC, such as
    >   sockets, semaphores, shared memory.  A simple void * on things such
    >   as sk_buf would allow security devlepers to tag along security
    >   attributes.
    Yup, I like this quite a bit.
    However, one slightly tricky bit is how to deal with incoming
    messages before you know who the eventual recipient will be,
    if your 'void *' depends on the recipient.  Any ideas how to
    deal with this?  Does this come up in practice?  Can we punt?

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