Re: Direction of the mailing list/effort

From: Casey Schaufler (caseyat_private)
Date: Thu Apr 19 2001 - 12:06:24 PDT

  • Next message: richard offer: "Re: backward compat / access (was Re: Benchmarks)"

    Stephen Smalley wrote:
    > In SELinux, security IDs are opaque handles to "security contexts",
    > which contain the actual security attributes.  The mapping is
    > maintained by the security server, and is accessible (subject
    > to control by the policy) to applications.  With regard to
    > persistence, we address that through persistent label mappings
    > in each file system based on per-filesystem persistent security
    > identifier number spaces.  So security IDs are local and
    > non-persistent (for scalability).  In any event, this
    > is all described at length in the SELinux documentation and the
    > Flask paper.
    This is the same architecture used by SecureWare in
    their MLS product. This is the single reason that MLS
    systems have the reputation for being slow. This is
    a bad scheme from a number of aspects. If you want to
    use it in your module, that's fine, but a commercail
    grade system can't afford it.
    Casey Schaufler				Manager, Trust Technology, SGI
    caseyat_private				voice: 650.933.1634
    casey_pat_private			Pager: 888.220.0607
    linux-security-module mailing list

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